IO > Path Class

Path::combine Method (string, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified path string contains a root.


public static function combine(string $path1, string $path2): string


    Type: string

    The first path to combine.
    Type: string

    The second path to combine.
Return Value
    Type: string
    The combined paths.
    If one of the specified paths is a zero-length string, 
    this method returns the other path. 
    If path2 contains an absolute path, this method returns path2.


Exception Condition
\InvalidArgumentException path1 or path2 contains one or more of the invalid characters defined in invalidPathChars method.


If path1 is not a drive reference (that is, “C:” or “D:”) and does not end with a valid separator character as defined in DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR, ALTDIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR, or VOLUME_SEPARATOR_CHAR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is appended to path1 before concatenation.

If path2 does not include a root (for example, if path2 does not start with a separator character or a drive specification), the result is a concatenation of the two paths, with an intervening separator character. If path2 includes a root, path2 is returned.

The parameters are not parsed if they have white space. Therefore, if path2 includes white space (for example, “ \file.txt “), the combine method appends path2 to path1 instead of returning only path2.


The following code example demonstrates a use of the combine method.

use Roukmoute\IO\Path;

$path1 = "/usr/temp";
$path2 = "subdir/file.txt";
$path3 = "/usr/temp.txt";
$path4 = "";

$combination = Path::combine($path1, $path2);
echo $combination . PHP_EOL;

$combination = Path::combine($path1, $path3);
echo $combination . PHP_EOL;

$combination = Path::combine($path3, $path2);
echo $combination . PHP_EOL;

$combination = Path::combine($path4, $path2);
echo $combination . PHP_EOL;

// This code produces output similar to the following:
//  When you combine "/usr/temp" and "subdir/file.txt", the result is:
// "/usr/temp/subdir/file.txt"
//  When you combine "/usr/temp" and "/usr/temp.txt", the result is:
// "/usr/temp.txt"
//  When you combine "/usr/temp" and "subdir/file.txt", the result is:
// "/usr/temp.txt/subdir/file.txt"
//  When you combine "" and "subdir/file.txt", the result is:
// "subdir/file.txt"